Friday, March 26, 2004
Laughing Through Snot... posted by Richard Seymour
I'm sick. Not in the way you had all assumed, just sick enough that I ought to be in bed rather than crouching in the internet cafe. But this made me laugh so hard my head feels like a drum and the surrounding customers are drenched in icky green snot:"nice try
someone found my site early this morning searching for richard clarke communist party . I looked at the search results and i am afraid that the searcher probably will be disappointed. perhaps in another few days enough bullshit will be thrown up on the internet to satisfy him/her."
Oh yeah, a Bush admin official harbouring a secret desire the redistribute the wealth of the rich and put the proletariat in charge of production. It's almost as ludicrous as a Bush admin official having links to Al Qaeda, I mean... er... hang on...
PS: For anyone interested, scan the site meter below sometime. People find my site by searching for stuff like "lenin fucks" , "lenin's bullshit ideology" and lenin sucks trotsky" .
Who the fuck needs hobbies with as rich and fulfilled as that, eh?