Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Annan to Bush: "Yassah, boss!" posted by Richard Seymour
The division of labour goes: the US shits, and the UN shovels. But now they've gone the whole hog and decided to help lick the pristine bumhole clean by sending in "UN experts" to sort out the tiresome Iraqi locals who keep fucking around with the programme by demanding elections and stupid shit like that.Annan was personally selected for his job by Madeleine "the price is worth it" Albright, the sack-faced apologist for mass murder, on account of his help in diverting attention away from the rowdy rabbles in Rwanda and onto the more pressing issue of Yugoslavia's disintegration (how to further it). So, you'd expect him to be a bit of a toadie, but to seriously consider risking the lives of his charges by tossing them into the bombed out, ruined, blood-spattered, angry-as-fuck, Iraqi lion cage? No, no, no! That's a special kind of stupidity. Annan once remarked that the UN's job in Iraq was to "confer legitimacy on the process" of occupation. (Guardian, 22/07/03) Nobody remembers that except me, but then I give a shit and you don't. His underlings paid for that "legitimacy" in blood when the UN compound was attacked by Iraqi insurgents.
Look, here's the deal: anyone dumb enough to go into Iraq right now and advertise their presence as an international organisation affiliated to the occupation should be fucking shot at! Okay?
No, no, I can hear y'all. "No, it's not! Just cos we're antiwar doesn't mean we don't care about innocent people getting killed and the UN are only trying to make things better by..." Yeah, yeah, yeah. Spare me the fucking sanctimony. If you enter Iraq on behalf of the "coalition", you have a choice between homicide and suicide. If they'd gone into South Vietnam with the US, they'd have their intestines blown out through their noses, so I think the Iraqi resistance is going easy on the fuckers. Right, enough ranting for the day. I'm supposed to be at work.